U.S. Army DEVCOM: Chemical Biological Center (CBC)

Aberdeen Proving-Ground, Edgewood, MD

Mission and Vision

 The CBC’s mission is to provide innovative chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBNRE) defense capabilities to enable the Joint Warfighters’ dominance on the battlefield and interagency defense of the homeland. The CBC strives to be the Army’s premier research and engineering center, generating CBRNE solutions for the Army, DoD, the Nation and allies.


Research Areas: Biosciences, biomanufacturing, chemical-biological protection and decontamination, chemical sciences, physics sciences, toxicology and obscurants 


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Did you know...?

  • CBC has over 1.22 million square feet of laboratory and chamber space. Learn more about their unique facilities here.
  • CBC was founded in 1917 – making it the oldest DEVCOM lab. One of its first charges was designing gas masks for the troops in WWI.
  • CBC uses fully functional, transportable laboratories to provide critical onsite analysis.

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