Learn more about the different directions that your STEM path can take.

The future is bright for careers in STEM, which are projected to grow at a faster rate than non-STEM careers in the next decade. The field of STEM is also diverse. The various STEM disciplines offer a plethora of opportunities with a near-infinite choice in developing your career. Your STEM journey is in your hands. We want to give you as good of a start as possible, so we’ve compiled information to help guide you along your STEM pathway.

Career Mapped Out By Stages

STEM Career Options

The sheer variety of career paths in STEM can be overwhelming, but the best place to start is with what you’re already interested in.

Do you want to conduct research about the effect of pollution on the growth of crops for an agricultural company as an agrochemist or environmental scientist? Do you want to teach undergrads about the basics of quantum mechanics as a physics professor? How about developing cutting-edge AI technology in a government lab as a programmer? You could also design innovative infrastructure for a city as a civil engineer, or perform lifesaving surgeries as a neurosurgeon. The STEM possibilities are endless. Which ones stand out to you?

It might also help if you remember that many of the things you learn while studying any STEM discipline could also apply to careers outside of the STEM sphere, such as in business, education or public office. As you explore opportunities, don’t forget about the unconventional paths! Keep an open mind and look for experiences that will fulfill your whole self.

As you venture onto your path, everything might feel equally exciting and important. It might seem impossible to choose, but keep in mind that your career will be long. You will have plenty of choices and time to make them happen. If you don’t really know where you want to end up, that’s normal! You will have plenty of time to try different things! Keep in mind that finding out you don’t like something is just as important as finding out that you do. We hope this can help take away some of the pressure you may feel to get every decision just right.

Select the different choices below to explore new ways to think about your career and see what options are available.

AEOP Internships and Fellowships

AEOP Internships and Fellowships help you gain the skills and experience you need today to prepare for the STEM careers of tomorrow. As an intern or fellow, you will conduct cutting-edge research in a state-of-the-art facility alongside a professional STEM mentor.