Learn more about AEOP Internships and Fellowships.

Throughout history, military organizations have driven advancements in technology, in all fields of scientific endeavor.  Today, the U.S. military funds many research and development programs to create innovative solutions against current and emerging threats and to support the development of a future workforce with needed skills in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).

The Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP) is one part of the Army’s investment in our nation’s future STEM professionals, and with a mission to provide an accessible pathway of STEM opportunities to attract, develop, and mentor the next generation of diverse talent.

The AEOP Internships and Fellowships office supports that mission in a specific way—by providing centralized coordination and support to match eligible students with labs that can provide real-world research experience.

This effort benefits program participants (high school, college, and graduate students and post-doctoral scientists and engineers) and Army-funded labs in universities and Army research facilities throughout the country. By supporting and developing the next generation of STEM problem-solvers and innovators, AEOP Internships and Fellowships benefit us all.



Benefits for Participants

  • Gain experience conducting real-world research
  • Get paid while gaining experience in STEM fields of interest to the Army like cybersecurity, energetics, biology, and materials science
  • Build a personal network of mentors and leaders in STEM
  • Access AEOP’s learning resources for professional development
  • Prepare for next steps in education or career
  • Connect to Army and DOD civilian work opportunities
  • Learn more about internship benefits
  • Learn more about fellowship benefits

Benefits for Labs

  • A no cost workforce solution with centralized administrative support to enable you to quickly identify, onboard, and compensate talented and motivated team members.
  • Opportunity to develop and shape the next generation of STEM researchers with engagement at high school, undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral education levels.
  • Connection into the robust portfolio of AEOP opportunities, establishing your lab as part of a promoted pathway into the STEM workforce.
  • Access to AEOP learning resources and development support to supplement mentorship at your lab.
  • Learn more

Benefits for the Nation

  • A highly qualified and STEM workforce representative of the nation.
  • STEM-inspired change makers, problem solvers, and innovators prepared to solve the country’s biggest challenges.
  • A network of STEM professionals with formative connection to the Army labs and understanding of the role of government and DOD in technoscientific progress.
  • A culture of mentorship around STEM with intergenerational impact.

The requirement for STEM literacy goes beyond the traditional occupations of scientists, engineers, and mathematicians. STEM also has a growing need for highly qualified technicians and skilled workers in advanced manufacturing, logistics, management, and other technology-driven fields. We love this important work of fostering a new generation of highly skilled professionals and providing hundreds of young people the opportunity to break into or advance in STEM each year.


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Contact Details

Email: aeopinternships@rit.edu

Phone:  (585) 475-4529

24 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, NY 14623-5608

AEOP Internships and Fellowships

AEOP Internships and Fellowships help you gain the skills and experience you need today to prepare for the STEM careers of tomorrow. As an intern or fellow, you will conduct cutting-edge research in a state-of-the-art facility alongside a professional STEM mentor.